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Company News >> Apple switch to OLED display? The display pattern will change days 20th,Mar,2017
                                       Apple seems to have been aware of this problem: Recently, according to foreign media sources, IPhone plans to use OLED display technology in 2017. Affected by this, one of the major suppliers of the Japanese display company (hereinafter referred to as JDI) will also face the opportunity and challenge the coexistence of the situation.
                             For a long time, many industry insiders believe that OLED display will be the next generation of display technology direction, because it is lower power consumption, more sharp picture, the screen is more soft, easy to promote other innovations. However, as of now, in addition to the iPhone, most high-end smart phones have been using OLED technology, only the iPhone still adhere to the LCD display.
                             In this regard, there are foreign media, if Apple abandoned LCD with OLED, then the pressure will not only Samsung these similar competitors - OLED screen manufacturers the same. Previously, the city of IHS Markit data show that Samsung is currently the main OLED smart phones (2016 shipments up to 99% in the first half), and OLED screen production capacity, Samsung and LG both a total of up to 95% The Only Samsung, for example, its 2016 Q2 in the global scope of the OLED panel to achieve 98 million shipments, an increase of 81.5%. In other words, if Apple 2017 to purchase 200 million OLED display, then one hundred million will enter the Samsung's pocket.
                            According to the city agency IHS Markit estimates, OLED smart phone display market size is expected to reach 18.6 billion US dollars in 2018, if Apple really began to switch to OLED, then a lot of LCD production capacity will be eliminated, the existing display market structure Will also change.
At present, Apple is working with Samsung to ensure that the supply of OLED negotiations, and after the heavy investment in Sharp OLED is also to seize the market when "emboldened enough."                                 However, according to Apple's habits of decentralized suppliers over the years - to maintain supply stability and bargaining power, in addition to Samsung, Sharp, LG and JDI and so will be a good choice.
                           "Most suppliers are planning radical capital investment," IHS Markit analyst Hiroshi Hayase said. It is reported that, in order to ensure production capacity, the initial investment in the mainstream companies have been close to 20 billion US dollars - even in the early no orders, but also bite the bullet and prepare. Take JDI as an example, after Bloomberg said the company or invest 150 billion yen (1.44 billion US dollars) to build OLED production line, and initially planned in March 2018 to enable OLED test line, sources of funds, including loans and equity financing.
As the largest supplier of iPhone screens, JDI has not been better off for the past two years, and since its inception in 2014, only the market value has evaporated nearly 80%. If the Apple switch to OLED can give JDI a chance, then for JDI is concerned, this is undoubtedly a chance to comeback.
                            However, MUFJ Morgan Stanley analyst Takeo Miyamoto believes that if not yet transition, JDI will be "excluded from the smart phone supply chain," but too dependent on Apple will also lead to JDI funding shortage "It 's like walking on a wire.

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